43,700 million euros
During the period December 2014 - November 2015, agricultural, fishing, food and forestry exports to Spain reached a record 43 thousand 757 million euros, representing 7.3% from the same period last year, reported Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRMA).
Exports to the European Union increased in value by 4.3%, but suffered a decline in shares in November 2015, dropping to 74.7% from 75.7% in the same month last year.
Intra-EU imports, meanwhile, rose in value by 2.5%, observing a share decline from 59.2% to 53% today.
According MAGRAMA, agrifood foreign trade with third countries in November accounted for 25.3% of total exports, which represented an increase of 4% share over the same month last year.
In this regard, it highlights the sharp increases in exports to China (53.8%), Japan (52.1%) and Saudi Arabia (73.6%). Meanwhile, shipments to the United States, the main non-EU destination, are maintained with a slight increase of 1%.
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