Bankoa has lowered mortgage interest 20-year fixed at 0.20 percentage points and now is Offered at 2.30%. The company has added new repayment Past 25 Years with an interest rate of 2.40%, and the other to 30 years, to 2.50%.
To hire These products is to debit the payroll, hire a home insurance and a life and Have a minimum equity of 50% of the loan amount, with a minimum of 75,000 euros. If you do not subscribe, interest will Increase by one percentage point.
Meanwhile, mortgage interest Liberbank now has Decreased minimum requirements by 0.26 percentage points. After the change, a fixed rate of 1.95% for the first 18 months and the remainder of the term, Euribor + 1.99% is applied.
Finances up to 80% of the lesser value Between the purchase price and taxation and have a maximum repayment period of 30 years. No fees, study or prepayment.
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