viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

The dollar extended gains after US economic reports

The dollar - El Dólar siguio Ganando Posiciones con un RESPECTO Las Demás Monedas Principales Este viernes, pues la Publicación de la UNOS alentadores Datos Sobre ventas minoristas de Estados Unidos impulsaba el optimismo Acerca del estado de la economía, Lo Que inpulsa un su Vez la Demanda billete de verde.
El par USD / JPY se apunto ONU alza del 0,40% Hasta 112,87, apartándose de los Mínimos de 15 Meses Registrados El Jueves En El Nivel de 110,98.
Segun la ONU Informe preliminar de la Universidad de Michigan, La Confianza de los Consumidores ha caído Hasta 90,7 Puntos en febrero, frente a los 92,0 del mes anterior.
Los Analistas habian Previsto Que indice permaneciera pecado mes Cambios Este.
Por otra parte, la Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos Anuncio Que Las Ventas Minoristas de la Nación en enero subieron las Naciones Unidas del 0,2% frente a Las Expectativas Que apuntaban A una subida del 0,1%. Las ventas minoristas aumentaron en diciembre de las Naciones Unidas del 0,2%, cifra Que se Reviso con RESPECTO al descenso del 0,1% anteriormente Estimada.
Las Ventas Minoristas clave, de las Que se excluyen las de automóviles, aumentaron el mes ONU Pasado 0,1%, tal Y Como ESTABA Previsto y Tras la subida del 0,1% de diciembre.
El par EUR / USD se dejo ONU Hasta el 0,74 Nivel de 1,1239.
Según datos Preliminares, el Producto Interior Bruto de la eurozona al] subio ONU 0,3% trimestre Durante el cuarto, segun lo Previsto y el pecado: cambios con RESPECTO al trimestre anterior. En Anuales: términos, el PIB de la región de la ONU subio 1,5% Durante El último trimestre, Tal Y Como ESTABA Previsto.
El Informe se publica poco Despues De Que conocerse interior Producto El Bruto de Alemania subio ONU 0,3% Durante el cuarto trimestre, Tal Y Como ESTABA Previsto y el pecado: cambios con RESPECTO a la Tasa de Crecimiento del trimestre anterior. En Anuales: términos, el PIB de Alemania subio 2,1% Durante la ONU El último trimestre, Por debajo de las Expectativas Que apuntaban A una Tasa de Crecimiento del 2,3%.
Segun report Otro, la Producción industrial de la zona del euro descendió de las Naciones Unidas del 1,0% en diciembre, frente a Las Expectativas Que apuntaba A una subida del 0,3%.
Por otra parte, el Dólar se mantuvo estable con RESPECTO a la libra, situándose el par GBP / USD en El Nivel de 1,4473, y gano Posiciones Frente al franco suizo, apuntándose de el USD / CHF ONU alza del 0,47% Hasta 0,9769.
De Mientras, los Dólares australiano y neozelandés perdieron Posiciones, retrocediendo el par AUD / USD ONU 0,44% Hasta el Nivel de 0,7076, MIENTRAS Que El par NZD / USD se desplomó ONU 1,44% Hasta 0,6619.
La Oficina Australiana de Estadística Anúncio el viernes Que la concesión de Préstamos Hipotecarios Aumentó en diciembre la ONU 2,6%, A Pesar de las Expectativas Que apuntaban A una subida del 3,0%. Los Préstamos Hipotecarios habian Aumentado ONU 1,9% en noviembre, cifra Que se Reviso con RESPECTO a la subida del 1,8% anteriormente Estimada.
El par USD / CAD se dejo ONU 0,14% Hasta el Nivel de 1,3915, pues el repunte de los precios En respaldaba del Petróleo La Divisa canadiense, Vinculada a Matérias Las Primas.
Los precios En subieron del Petróleo Despues De Que El ministro de la Energía de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos dijera El Jueves Que la OPEP ESTABA Dispuesta una Negociar con Otros Exportadores Sobre la Reducción de la Producción. Los Futuros Sobre le petróleo párrafo Entrega en abril se mantenían en Menos de 29 USD Durante las primeras Horas de la Jornada de Negociación en Estados Unidos.
El índice Dólar, Que Sigue La Evolucion of this Moneda CON RESPECTO A una CESTA de SEIS Otras Divisas Principales, Avanzo ONU 0,48% Hasta 96,09, apartándose de los Mínimos de cuatro meses Registrados El Jueves baño 95,28

El EUR / USD ataca La Línea de Tendencia

El EUR / USD EURUSD cae bajo la Media Móvil de 100 Horas en 1,1263, Tras conocerse el buen dato de las Ventas al por menor de Estados Unidos. El precio ha bajado y se Detiene En un Soporte Formado Por una Línea de Tendencia Que Pasa por 1.229.
Ahora, el precio sube y baja Entre ESTOS DOS Niveles. El Mercado se sample desconfiado. Los Futuros de S & P, Esteban Que es 23, Ahora estan en 18,5.
Desde el Punto de Vista técnico, no hace falta ir Demasiado Atrás to see Una Caída parecida Bajo la media móvil DE 100 horas, con rebote. Hoy, los comerciantes vigilarán La Misma circunstancia.
El USD / JPY, Mientras Tanto, la Muestra señales de Debilidad y Cae Bajo Otro nuevo minimum en Corrección. Las compras de Dólar se disipan. Las Bolsas de Son La Clave. Por ahora, El Mercado se sample desconfiado y el precio descansa Entre Niveles, y Aguarda ...

EUR/USD horario

What is Forex?

What is Forex?

Forex is an abbreviation commonly used for "foreign exchange" or "currency exchange" and is often used to describe the trading in the forex market by investors and speculators.

For example, imagine a situation in which it is expected that the value of the US dollar it will weaken against the euro. A forex trader in this situation will sell dollars and buy euros. If the euro strengthens, the purchasing power to buy dollars has increased. The trader now can buy back more dollars than it had at the beginning, at a profit.

This is similar to stock trading. A stockbroker buy a stock if you think the price increase in the future and will sell a stock if you think its price will fall in the future. Similarly a forex trader will buy a currency pair if you expect the exchange rate to rise in the future and sell a currency pair if you expect the exchange rate to fall in the future.


The forex market is a global and decentralized market determines the relative values ​​of different currencies. Unlike other markets, there is no central repository or exchange where transactions are carried out. Instead, these operations are performed by various market participants in several places. It is rare for two coins have an identical value to each other and it is also rare that two currencies remain the same relative value for more than a short period of time. In Forex, the exchange rate between two pairs of currency changes constantly.

For example, the January 3, 2011, one euro was worth about $ 1.33. On May 3, 2011, one euro was worth about $ 1.48. The euro has appreciated 10% against the dollar US during this time.


Bankoa has lowered mortgage interest 20-year fixed at 0.20 percentage points and now is Offered at 2.30%. The company has added new repayment Past 25 Years with an interest rate of 2.40%, and the other to 30 years, to 2.50%.
To hire These products is to debit the payroll, hire a home insurance and a life and Have a minimum equity of 50% of the loan amount, with a minimum of 75,000 euros. If you do not subscribe, interest will Increase by one percentage point.
Meanwhile, mortgage interest Liberbank now has Decreased minimum requirements by 0.26 percentage points. After the change, a fixed rate of 1.95% for the first 18 months and the remainder of the term, Euribor + 1.99% is applied.
Finances up to 80% of the lesser value Between the purchase price and taxation and have a maximum repayment period of 30 years. No fees, study or prepayment.


The European

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published a report confirming that for the first time in 18 months, the Spanish mortgages new constitution are among the cheapest in Europe. Thus, while the European average is 2.22%, the Spanish is at 2.12%, where only a year ago our country held an average interest of 2.89% vs. 2.78% European.
Cheaper than in Italy and Portugal
If you look at the average of the different countries, the report indicates that the Portuguese average is 2.26% and 2.48% Italian. However the German mortgages remain at an average interest rate of 2% cheaper than Spanish, but as our tendency is to lower the interest, the German trend is to market more expensive mortgage each month.

En la imagen, viviendas en construcción en Estepona (Málaga). EFE/ArchivoIn addition, Spain is coming to Europe also in fixed-rate mortgages, a market sector in which so far had always gone to tail offers 6% and 7%, and now offers mortgages from 2% they have succeeded for the first time, the user's pose as a real option of funding.
New mortgages at Euribor + 1%
This new ECB document corroborates what has long highlighted the press: Spanish banks have spent months down interest rates and if a year at this time ago it was normal to see mortgage Euribor + 2%, are now closer Euribor + 1%.
According to estimates of the comparator, this means that those who hired a mortgage for 150,000 euros to 30 years in 2014 to Euribor + 2% are paying a fee of about 566 euros while those who have taken out a mortgage in 2015 Euribor + 1% only pay 494 euros a share, about 70 euros less per month or 840 per year.
Among the current offers this September highlighted by the comparator HelpMyCash, is the Orange Mortgage ING Euribor + 0.99% and Euribor + Mortgage Santander to 1.25%, both with no origination fee and with only two linked insurance, life and home. We also found other offers like Mortgage Kutxabank, Bankoa or Caja de Ingenieros, all at Euribor + 1%, although in these cases there is an arrangement fee itself and more mandatory link that increases the price of the mortgage. Between fixed, highlights the Fixed Premium Mortgage Banco Sabadell to 2.90%, with a fee of 1% and only two mandatory life insurance and home.
Central Bank (ECB) has published a report confirming that for the first time in 18 months, the Spanish mortgages new constitution are among the cheapest in Europe. Thus, while the European average is 2.22%, the Spanish is at 2.12%, where only a year ago our country held an average interest of 2.89% vs. 2.78% European.
Cheaper than in Italy and Portugal
If you look at the average of the different countries, the report indicates that the Portuguese average is 2.26% and 2.48% Italian. However the German mortgages remain at an average interest rate of 2% cheaper than Spanish, but as our tendency is to lower the interest, the German trend is to market more expensive mortgage each month.
In addition, Spain is coming to Europe also in fixed-rate mortgages, a market sector in which so far had always gone to tail offers 6% and 7%, and now offers mortgages from 2% they have succeeded for the first time, the user's pose as a real option of funding.
New mortgages at Euribor + 1%
This new ECB document corroborates what has long highlighted the press: Spanish banks have spent months down interest rates and if a year at this time ago it was normal to see mortgage Euribor + 2%, are now closer Euribor + 1%.
According to estimates of the comparator, this means that those who hired a mortgage for 150,000 euros to 30 years in 2014 to Euribor + 2% are paying a fee of about 566 euros while those who have taken out a mortgage in 2015 Euribor + 1% only pay 494 euros a share, about 70 euros less per month or 840 per year.
Among the current offers this September highlighted by the comparator HelpMyCash, is the Orange Mortgage ING Euribor + 0.99% and Euribor + Mortgage Santander to 1.25%, both with no origination fee and with only two linked insurance, life and home. We also found other offers like Mortgage Kutxabank, Bankoa or Caja de Ingenieros, all at Euribor + 1%, although in these cases there is an arrangement fee itself and more mandatory link that increases the price of the mortgage. Between fixed, highlights the Fixed Premium Mortgage Banco Sabadell to 2.90%, with a fee of 1% and only two mandatory life insurance and home.

Loans and mortgages Finance your property in Switzerland


Mortgages in Switzerland are mainly provided by the banking sector, although pension funds and state entities may also issue them. Mortgages can be easily obtained by foreigners provided they meet the basic criteria.

Loans and mortgages
The amount of money you receive will be based on both your financial situation as well as the value of the property you're buying. In Switzerland, foreigners can expect to receive mortgages between 60 and 80 percent of the total value of the property. Unsecured-conditions are not available, which means that the lender will take into account any responsibility you may have in your home country (mortgage or rent, loans, maintenance payments) and will require proof of income (income earned , pensions, income from investments, although not all reconocirán).
Swiss mortgage you always give in Swiss francs. The duration can be 5 to 30 years for loans up to 80%, and 35 years for those who go up to 60%. However, the mortgage must be paid before you are 70 years old.
Interest rates are approximately 2.5% (in 2010), although this varies according to your mortgage. It may be easier to arrange your mortgage in your home country, but then you have to pay for currency exchange rates. Moreover, interest rates in Switzerland is one of the lowest in the world, so you might want to make your mortgage more in Switzerland, especially if your income will also be in Swiss francs.
Try to get several offers (three alreadedor) conpañías different banks or insurance companies, as there is a fierce competition among providers.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

The best Russian university buildings

The best Russian university buildings

Russian universities traditionally have always received the best buildings in cities and only in rare cases some campuses have been moved to the outskirts of cities. Many of these centers hide interesting stories and little known.
En 1833 Alexander Pushkin Estuvo Alli Instalado y en verano de 1826 detuvieron a los decembristas, Cuando su convoy se dirigia al destierro en Siberia.

2. El Proyecto del Edificio Central de la Universidad Estatal de Tomsk - La Más Antigua de las Universidades en El Territorio Entre los Urales y el Océano Pacífico- sí Desarrollo con la Participación del químico Dmitri Mendeleiev, creador de la tabla periódica.

universidades rusas

Dentro del campus SE Encuentra El Centro geográfico de Eurasia, Autorizado en 1911 en el Congreso Internacional de sismología de Manchester.

3. No se sabe a ciencia Cierta si de han Sido encontrados o no, Pero EXISTEN Muchas Razones para suponer Que en el edificio de la Universidad ITMO, SITUADO en la isla de San Petersburgo Vasíliev de, se esconden todavía los Tesoros del Mercader Grigori Yeliséiev, Que vivio Ahí Hasta la Revolución de 1917.
universidades rusas
En Este edificio heno Muchos Pasos amurallados y paredes Vacías Donde, Tal Y Como se cree, Yeliséiev podria Haber Escondido Tesoros del SUS Antes de Abandonar apresuradamente Rusia. Desde 1918 Hasta 1922 se Intento Varias Veces ENCONTRAR El Tesoro, Pero el pecado Éxito. Es Muy Posible Que todavía Esté Escondido Tras Alguna de Sus paredes.

4. El campus de la Universidad Politécnica Pedro El Grande de San Petersburgo, construído en 1899 Fue En Un Principio Pensado Como un Complejo Autónomo Parecido al de Oxford.
universidades rusas
A: principios del Siglo XX, Cuando Se encontraba en las afueras de la ciudad, se Hizo El Ferrocarril Llegar Hasta el campus con tracción a caballo. MAS del adelante llegaba Hasta alli ONU Único Tranvía Que se convertiría ES Leyenda Entre los Estudiantes. La construcción Más tardía en el Territorio de la Universidad FUE Una torre hidráulica de 43 metros de altura.

5. El campus de la Universidad Federal del Lejano Oriente, en la isla Russki de Vladivostok es uno de los mas Nuevos del País.

Se construyó en 2012 con motivo m de la cumbre del Foro de APEC (Cooperación Económica Asociación de Asia y el Pacífico).

6. El campus de la Universidad Estatal de Novosibirsk SE Encuentra En Medio de la ONU bosque, A orillas del río Ob.
universidades rusas

En 1964 FUE Traspasado a la universidad, y hoy en día uno de repre Los Pocos Edificios De La Época constructivista Que se Han conservado. El edificio SE Encuentra En un Proceso de Restauración Hasta el 2016.

8. El Edificio de Estudiantes de la Universidad Federal de los Urales, en Ekaterimburgo, Convertido Fue En el hospital Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
universidades rusas
 Universidad disponga de Edificios Varios los situados por Toda La Ciudad, La Parte Más Importante del campus SE Encuentra En La Colina de los gorriones, al Lado de la parada de metro Que Lleva El Mismo nombre.



University College London, also known as UCL, is one of the schools that form the University of London. It is the third oldest institution of higher education in England after Oxford and Cambridge and one of the founding colleges of the University of London. Founded in 1826 she was marked by the radical ideas of Jeremy Bentham and was born as a secular university, as opposed to the strictly religious tradition of Oxford and Cambridge.
It was the first university in England to admit students of any race, class and religion and also the first to accept women, although this is shared with the University of Bristol. He was also the first to create a student union and a pioneer in the establishment of the departments of chemical engineering, chemistry, Egyptology, electrical engineering, English, French, geography, German, Italian, phonetics, psychology and zoology.
Currently holds the secular character of its foundation and, unlike most universities in the UK, does not have chapel for Christians and prayer rooms for Muslims. It is the largest educational institution in London and one of the most selective and prestigious in the country.
It usually occurs in the top of the lists of the best universities worldwide and since the founding of the Nobel prize in 1901 UCL has always had at least one winner in each decade. A total of 29 Nobel laureates have been associated with the university, with names like the physicist Peter Higgs or chemist Otto Hahn. Through its classrooms they have also been important names in history as Mahatma Gandhi, Graham Bell or Ken Follet.
In 2002 he announced a plan to join the Imperial College of London, but the academic staff and students opposed the idea because it was understood as a de facto absorption by the Imperial College. A month later, thanks to an active campaign on the part of these groups, the project was abandoned and currently remains an independent college of the University of London.

The top 10 universities in the UK

United Kingdom

1. University of Cambridge

Founded in 1209, the University of Cambridge has 31 colleges and in 2013-2014 reached 1,510 million pounds of revenue. The institution has been linked to 90 Nobel laureates, 61 of them former students, and their percentage of admissions in 2012-2013 was 21.9% of total applications.

2. University of Oxford

Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the first in the UK. It was founded in about 1096, it consists of 38 faculties, and now collects about 2,000 million pounds and supports 60% of the candidates who are presented.

3. University of St Andrews

The University of St. Andrews was founded in 1400, it is a public research university with 45% of international students. It is the British institution with the highest percentage of American students and its most recent alumni is the First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond, Olympic gold medalist Chris Hoy, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine.

4. University of Surrey

This young public institution, founded in 1891, is located in the southeast of the British island. In addition, The University of Surrey is British university with the highest degree of employability of the territory, with 96.9% (2014), up to 2% and 3% above Oxford and Cambridge.

5. University of Bath

Founded in 1856, the University of Bath is one that provides the largest share satisfaction among British students, secures the National Student Survey 2014. It is also an excellent research center, where 32% of their research achieved the highest rating.

6. University of Durham

Founded in 1832, The University of Durham was one of the first universities in the world to charge tuition. This is one of the main alternatives to Oxford and Cambridge, and its faculty is composed of 15 members of the Royal Society, the British Academy 18 and 16 members of the Academy of Social Sciences, among others.

7. University of Warwick

This institution was created in 1965, it has 23,400 full-time students and teaching and research staff consists of nearly 1,400. Also in the 2013-2014 course Warwick grossed 481 million pounds, and 6.74 candidates for each study place offered currently presented.

8. Imperial College London

Science, Engineering, Medicine and Business: date of birth as 1851. The Imperial College offers training in 4 areas are considered. Ranked 2nd place in the World Ranking QS 2015 and 9th in the world rankings Times Higher Education.

9. University of Exeter

Founded in 1955, The University of Exeter is located in the Southwest of England and is a leading research center, member of the prestigious Russell Group. It has 70 research centers and institutes and 2010-2011 would receive 46.3 million pounds for its scientific initiatives.

10. University of Lancaster

Established in 1964, Lancaster is the result of the merger between the universities of York and Kent, and up 9 schools. In addition, the library houses the largest collection of books, manuscripts, photographs and drawings of the poet John Ruskin in the world.

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016

The US $ 44 million in unclaimed Swiss bank

Swiss bank

It may be hard to believe, but there
are cases of abandoned fortunes in Swiss banks, like a lost ticket forgotten under the sofa.
Swiss banking has been available to the public the names of holders of dormant accounts for several decades in the country, hoping that someone claiming US $ 44 million have been left there.
More than 2,600 names have been published in the website.
A cursory look at the list reveals that the nationalities attributed to that account holders spanning multiple continents.
Including Iranians, Argentines, Americans, and of course, Swiss.
While in the last known addresses of the owners of the accounts records Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, among many other shows.
Switzerland is known for its significant banking industry.
There are also about 80 safe deposit boxes gathering dust since 1955.
The deadline to claim this money is one year after the publication of the name of the account holder.
"By publishing this information, banks are making a last attempt to reestablish contact with the customer," said Claude-Alain Margelisch, head of the Swiss Bankers Association.
Margelisch added that the new rules, which took effect in January, also contribute to the legal clarity on these assets.
The banking association warned, however, that could charge their costs to claimants who make requests clearly unfounded on this money.
Flag suizaImage copyrightReuters
Image caption
Swiss standards indicate that after 60 years of inactivity, the funds may go to the State.
Many may be surprised by the internet publication of names of Swiss bank customers, known by strict confidentiality laws that govern the relationship with its customers.
However, as the site says, "the decision to publish certain customer information was taken by the legislature and in this respect represents a lifting of confidentiality between the bank and the customer."

Ilunion Hotels Seur Foundation and unite to donate material to the Association to Support the Syrian People


Ilunion Hotels has donated 33,637 euros to 374,950 toiletries to Seur Foundation, which will use its logistics network to deliver this material to the Association to Support the Syrian People (APPS), as reported in a statement.

The purpose of this grant is to help ease * the needs of the Syrian population. Items that are to be sent are amenities such as gels, shampoos and soaps, which were replaced by others with the new image of the brand, but they were in perfect condition.

The director of the hotel chain group of social enterprises in the ONCE and its Foundation, José Ángel Preciados, gave this material to Ramón Mayo, president of SEUR Foundation, in a ceremony held on February 9 in the Ilunion Suites Hotel and Madrid also he attended by the president of the APPS, Amer Hijazi.

Hotels saturated before Pope's visit


Faithful suitcases ready to visit the cities where will the Pope Francisco during his first official visit to Mexico. So, two weeks after the leader of the Catholic Church comes to the country, hotel chains are already crammed into these locations.

Benedict's successor-and the first Latin American pope in history will arrive on February 12 and will be present in the City of Mexico and in the State of Mexico, Chiapas, Chihuahua and Michoacan.

The Foreign Ministry is confident that during your stay will be "discuss mechanisms to generate concrete solutions to issues such as environmental protection, peace and security, the protection of migrants, promoting inclusive development, combating poverty, nuclear disarmament and human rights. "

The truth is that hotel occupancy in these institutions began to grow since the visit was confirmed. Get a reservation in hotels is no longer possible in the host cities. Morelia is one of those cases. The authorities have announced that there will be restrictions on passing vehicles by the number of faithful who, it is hoped, will give shelter to Francis. Only official units may move the capital city from February 13.

While it is estimated that four million people will travel to Mexico City, Ecatepec, San Cristobal de Las Casas, and Ciudad Juarez Morelia, Michoacan only wait for a million. Hotels in Morelia are 100% reserved, while statewide the occupation and will be 70 percent, confirms Buenrostro Liliana Lopez, head of the Ministry of Tourism.

Meanwhile, Cristina Muñoz Alcocer, president of the Mexican Association of Hotels and Motels of Chihuahua, details: "There is full house (...) Of course, all that is organizing events brings a great economic benefit."

Heloise Pola Eugenia Alfaro, president of the Association in Chiapas, states that "since there are few hotels that have rooms available". The authorities even enabled shelters to allow more people nearby.

The Ministry of Tourism of the City of Mexico estimates there will be an economic impact of 870 million pesos, but for the whole country is estimated to be over one billion.

For people who do not have access to the hotel its unique opportunities are visiting family or returned to their homes and hometowns after the passage of Francisco.

Atlantis, The Palm, Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Las suites submarinas del Atlantis, The Palm en Dubái se Llaman acertadamente Neptuno y Poseidón. Y Damos fe hijo de Que Dignas del Rey de los Mares. Son las habitaciones ¿Más íntimas y románticas con las Que podrias soñar ... Tan solo imagina Estar En la cama MIENTRAS admiras la vida marina de la Laguna Embajador. La Habitación de Tanto Como El Baño Tienen Ventanas del suelo al techo Para Que disfrutes de las Vistas. Si quieres ir, participa en Nuestro Concurso Internacional Para Ganar Una estancia En Una De Las suites bajo el agua del Atlántico, The Palm. ¡Tú podrias ganar!